Coinnest africa
Services Rendered
Bitcoin & Perfect Money
Cryptocurrency Trading & Training

CoinNest Africa is a Fintech company headquartered in Lagos, Nigeria. We facilitate buying and selling of cryptocurrencies to streamline faster remittance to and from Nigeria with minimal transaction charges. Built to support micropayments, we have three products – Coinnest, Paylite & Coincash.
We have been in the cryptocurrency space for over 7years and have been able to develop an expert team of traders over the years.
Do you have Bitcoin/Perfect Money/Paypal for sale? We are your go-to crypto exchange. We pride ourselves in our ability to instantly fund our clients. Our speed of operation has been a key component in our rise over the years.
We also offer Bitcoin/Perfect Money/Paypal for sale at affordable, market-friendly prices.
Also, our training platform explains how to trade cryptocurrency for beginner & advanced levels, from simple techniques to the technical analysis of trading.
For more information, visit our website
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